By Peter Sheffer
All NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust Members are participants in a formal managed care program. Our current managed care provider, Comp MC, through CCMSI, is no longer providing managed care in New Hampshire. Effective Sept. 1, 2020, our managed care provider is Windham’s Work Injury Network.
In NH, employers who are participants in a formal managed care program may direct their injured employees to medical providers within the managed care network. The NHADA WCT nurse case manager, Marta J. Silakka, RN, BSN, CCM, COHN-S, is available to assist an employee in accessing the best and most appropriate physicians in the state.
There will be no change in the service you receive from the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust.
This change in managed care providers will be invisible to you and your employees. However, we do need to change the managed care posters. Please discard your Comp MC poster and replace it with the Windham Group’s Work Injury Network poster, which was mailed to all WCT Members. Please post it in a highly visible location for all employees to see. Windham’s Work Injury Network may be reviewed on their website, There will be no change in the medical providers that we have been fortunate to utilize through our previous network of medical providers.
When an employee sustains an injury, which requires more than first aid treatment, they will receive a brochure in the mail, notifying them of the managed care process.
Please remind your staff to report all injuries immediately and to call Marta Silakka for assistance with a referral to the best and most appropriate provider within Windham’s Work Injury Network.
Thank you for your assistance in implementing this change. If you need additional posters, please call or email Pete Sheffer, 800-852-3372 or, or Deborah Handrahan, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Peter Sheffer, NHADA-WCT Director
This story appears in the 2020 Issue 5 of Drive:NH Magazine.