June 10, 2021


New Members

HM Motor Works LLC26 Columbia Circle, Unit CMerrimack, NH 03054Phone: (603) 881-7755Owner: Haleem Mediouni Derry Exhaust & Auto Services82 Rockingham RoadDerry, NH 03038Phone: (603) 216-1094Owner: Luis Gonzalez Key Motors of Newport, LLC dba Key Chevrolet Buick GMC of Newport320 John Stark HighwayNewport, NH 03773Phone: (603) 865-1655Owner: Anthony Dilorenzo Frank Coffey293 Elm StreetMilford, NH 03055Phone: (603) […]

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Repairer/Consumer Objection Form Unfair Insurance Practices

We’re excited to announce the availability of a newly designed electronic consumer complaint form for the NH Insurance Department. This form is available to NHADA Collision Repair businesses and members of the NH Collision Repair Facebook Group. This electronic form is designed to increase shop efficiency, streamline the complaint process, and encourage complaints to make the insurance department aware of industry issues.

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On the Road with College and Career Days and the Race to 5K

The month of May was filled with virtual and in-person visits to New Hampshire’s 19 career and technical high schools. Our College and Career Days were personalized to each school and gave us the opportunity to speak to automotive students about the benefits of automotive careers, NH’s community college programs and NHAEF scholarship opportunities. Each visit we made, representatives from the industry joined us to connect with the students and speak to them about the opportunities available today in the automotive industry.

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Why This Provider and Not That Provider: Managed Care, Specialists, Medical Records, Billing

Members of the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust are privileged to be part of the Windham Group Managed Care Program. Being part of this network gives injured workers access to the best occupational health providers and specialists in New Hampshire. In personal medical circumstances, you may wait days or weeks to get in to see a specialist; but with participation in our managed care program, injured workers in most cases can be seen the same day by an occupational health provider or specialist.

Why This Provider and Not That Provider: Managed Care, Specialists, Medical Records, Billing Read More »


The WC Self Audits Are on Their Way to You

The NHADA WCT will be sending out self-audits again this year in June. The completed self-audits are due back by July 20, 2021. We hope that members will take advantage of this opportunity to modify their payroll information. The data is used to revise members’ payroll information, which allows the WCT to more accurately calculate members’ premiums beginning in September through to the time that the actual physical audit results are received in the first quarter of 2022.

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NHADA WCT Returns $3.6 Million in Rebates

By now, all NHADA WCT members should have their workers’ compensation rebate checks. “The NHADA WCT Board of Trustees and staff are very pleased to be able to return $3.6 million as the 2021 rebate.” said WTC Board Chairman, Matt Marrazzo. Funds from 2018 and 2019 were released, based on the actuarial analysis and WCT Board approval, to make up the 2021 rebate. The actuaries’ goal is to release as much money as possible from past fund years while retaining enough money in reserve for the WCT to remain in the 99% confidence level. Money held in reserve is intended to cover losses both reported and those that may not yet have been reported. No money is released from the 2020 Fund Year as those claims continue to develop. When claims are over one year old, their ultimate cost is more predictable, and the actuary has greater confidence in releasing funds for that year.

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