Over the last few months, our Workforce Development Coordinator, Adam Memmolo, has been traveling around the state to the 20 CTE programs associated with the NHADA to spread information regarding the Foundation and promote various automotive career pathways. A helpful tool that we implemented this past fall, called the Fast Track, allows us to gather student information as well as provide them with resources to assist with their futures in the industry. One of the areas of the Fast Track that we would like to highlight is our member business Job Board where students can search for and apply for jobs near them. If you would like to be added to our Job Board or have any questions regarding it, please email Adam at amemmolo@nhada.com. Recently, we were able to add direct links in our Fast Track that allow students to view all of the community college auto programs in the state and apply on the schools’ websites with ease.
In addition to the school visits that we have been making, Adam, along with the Workforce Development team, has been working on various in-person events/trainings for students and instructors to partake in. The Foundation’s Big Raffle just took place on March 8 where we gave out several prizes to students, members, and partners alike. This year, we incorporated our new Fast Track tool by drawing a separate raffle just for students that signed up with us over the last several months. We had three winners from the drawing, two of whom received a $500 scholarship, and a first prize winner who was awarded a $5,000 scholarship!
We have been working with SkillsUSA to help put on the 2023 auto competitions at Lakes Region Community College and we are in the works of preparing for our instructor training in April at Nashua Community College as well. The Workforce Development Team looks forward to the exciting work that we will be completing going into the summer and scholarship season and is always grateful for the support of our members as we grow the workforce pipeline.