(L-R) Matt Foster, Pat Austin, Brian Duplessis, Dustin Howe
The Loss Prevention staff provides a comprehensive list of safety and environmental consultation services (most of which are at no cost) to members of the NHADA WCT.
Beyond the two onsite safety and environmental walkthroughs each member receives every year, a wide variety of other offerings are available for free, including:
- Written Safety Plans and Policies
- Safety Committee Meeting Facilitation
- OSHA Inspection Consultation
In addition, Loss Prevention provides the following free onsite industry-specific OSHA-required trainings:
- Hazard Communication
- Fire Safety
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Auto Lift Safety
- Respirator Safety
- Forklift Safety
Additional trainings that are available, but not required by OSHA, include:
- Ergonomics/Back Injury
- Oxyacetylene Safety
- Defensive Driving
- Winter Safety
First Aid and CPR w/AED Training are available for a nominal fee (cost of NSC training materials).
Lastly, Loss Prevention offers online OSHA-required time-of-hire training curriculums by job description for a nominal fee. Every member with over 15 employees should be taking advantage of this!
If you are interested in learning more, all of this information can be found on our web page by visiting https://www.nhada.com/our-solutions/loss‑prevention. You can also contact us via email at bduplessis@nhada.com or call (603) 224-2369.