2025 Pub. 7 Issue 1

OSHA Injury Reporting Requirements

NHADA WCT will again be compiling the OSHA Form 300A and 300 Log for 2024 which by now all members should have received. As a reminder the 300A needs to be signed by a Company Executive and posted for all employees to view from Feb. 1, 2025, through April 30, 2025. Unless directly requested by OSHA, no forms need to be submitted, but rather the 300 log and annual summary shall be kept on file for at least five years following the year that the data covers. If an injury or illness needs to be edited or changed, you should go back to the 300 log and make the appropriate changes.

The OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) for employers to submit their injury and illness data is open and all data needs to be submitted by March 2, 2025. The vast majority of NHADA members do not meet the conditions required by OSHA for compliance with the required submittal of recordkeeping data. If you do not fall into one of the categories outlined below, then you do not need to submit any information. Those that do need to comply include:

  • Establishments with 250 or more employees.
  • Establishments with 20-249 employees classified in certain high-risk industries (NAICS code 8113 Commercial Truck and Equipment and 4413 Automotive Parts, Accessories and Tire stores).

In addition to the continued recording of injuries, any work-related fatalities need to be directly reported to your local OSHA office at (800) 321-6742 within eight hours and any work-related in-patient hospitalizations, all amputations and all losses of an eye need to be reported to OSHA within 24 hours. As with any injury, the New Hampshire Employer’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease (Form 8WC) MUST BE FILED and meets the requirements of the OSHA Form 301 for first reports.

If you have any questions or for more information, feel free to contact me at or any other member of the Loss Prevention Department at (800) 852-3372.

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