Pub. 5 2023 Issue 6

NHADA Foundation Receives ApprenticeshipNH Champion Award

During the National Apprenticeship Week Summit held at NHTI on November 17 the NH Automotive Education Foundation (NHAEF), along with 11 other participants, received a Champion Award in relation to our work with ApprenticeshipNH.

In addition to receiving the award, we also were included as part of a panel for employers, students and educators to learn more about what ApprenticeshipNH is and how it works.

This program that is administered with CCSNH was a perfect partnership for us and many other employment sectors in New Hampshire in support of training our future workforce. It is a structured education and work-based learning platform between post-secondary schools and the employer, which also includes funding support for individuals looking to get a jump start on a career. The versatility of ApprenticeshipNH allows each employment sector to be customized to match employer and educational needs in a specific industry.

We were humbled to receive this award and look forward to continuing to build on such a great initiative that follows suit with our own mission and goals.