Pub. 2 2020 Issue 2
Power Sports Technician Certificate Program MCC Powersports Technician Certificate: Today’s powersports technicians need high-level skills and knowledge to diagnose and service increasingly complex systems. The evolution from yesterday’s mechanic to today’s skilled technician requires competence with highly sophisticated systems, as well as with the traditional mechanical areas. The objective of the Powersports Technician program is to prepare graduates to succeed as a technician in a high-tech and increasingly complex career. Using a well-developed balance of classroom instruction in specialized targeted courses, industry relevant hands on training, combined with on-the-job work experience and online training, the powersports program is designed to cultivate highly skilled work- ready technicians. With a focus on customer service, graduates will develop the skills and are trained to progress from discovering customer concerns and finding problem causes, before moving decisively to problem correction. Programs at Manchester Community College continuously evolve to meet technical, manufacturer and service department needs. General overview of proposed courses (course duration is 8 weeks): Theory Hours per Week Lab Hours per Week Total Hours per Semester PSPT101M Introduction to Power- sports Basic Mainte- nance and Repair 4 16 160 PSPT102M Electrical Systems 6 18 192 PSPT103M Engine and Drivetrain 4 16 160 PSPT104M Brake and Suspension Systems 4 16 160 PSPT105M Fuel Systems 4 16 160 18 D R I V E
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