Pub. 1 2019 Issue 4
Jean-Guy's recently celebrated its 50th year in business, and they now turn the page to the second half-cen- tury in business. Though Jean-Guy cannot predict the future, he can confidently say this business is in good hands. Jean-Guy has kept his family very involved in his business; he has four sons who all work for and with him. He knows that in the future they will hold the same level of confidence that it has taken for the company to be successful this far. He can also confidently say they will succeed in running the family busi- ness because they know it inside-out. NHADA provides Jean-Guy's Used Cars and Parts, Inc. with Workers' Compensation, Life Insurance, and Dental Insurance. In his interview, Jean-Guy praised NHADA President Pete McNamara and his staff on their high level of professionalism. In response, NHADA President Pete McNamara said: "Not only has Jean-Guy run a great motor vehicle operation for 50 years, but he also served the industry and the state as an elected official. We greatly appre- ciate all that Jean-Guy has done to promote the industry." In 1979, Jean-Guy and six other yard owners came together to form the Auto and Truck Recyclers Association of New Hampshire (ATRA of NH). Jean-Guy was the charter President of the association. In addition to being the founder of an association, he was elected to the House of Representatives. He served on the Transportation Committee from 2001 to 2008. During that time, Jean-Guy was also elected as a Selectman in Pelham, NH. After sharing his story, Jean-Guy left us with a note of his own: N E W H A M P S H I R E 13
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