Pub. 1 2019 Issue 3

20 for 20 Returns for 2019 JESSICA DADE ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE EDUCATION FOUNDATION CAREER COORDINATOR B uilding a reliable and sus- tainable pipeline of automotive technicians for our member shops takes engagement, time, and yes, money. This is what the 20 for 20 campaign was all about and because of its success, we are bringing 20 for 20 back for 2019. What is 20 for 20? In short, the goal is to get all 20 Auto Career Technical Education Centers Auto 2 Tech students (aka seniors, aka your future techs) sponsored with a $25,000 raffle ticket. We far sur- passed that last year, and that’s a good thing, because the demand for scholarship support increased as well. 20 for 20 is really more than just a raffle ticket – it’s about engagement. Let’s take a look under the hood. If you sponsor an HS program, you get introduced to the class and the students when we hand out the tickets. Then we broadcast your generosity through our social media channels. But my favorite engagement was when many of the students brought family members to the Big Raffle, and the family members then bought tickets themselves. This provided an opportunity for all of you to engage directly with them. The 20 for 20 campaign jumpstarts 2019 Big Raffle ticket sales. Focusing on the 20 days prior to the closing of the NHADA Convention, we look for mem- bers to sponsor high school Auto- motive 2 Technology students through ticket sales in their names. Many of you sponsored whole high school programs! This provided EVERY high school Auto 2 Tech student with a ticket to the Big Raffle. There is a great change to the program this year; if one of the students wins the Big Raffle with a 20 for 20 ticket, the winnings can only be utilized to pay tuition and related expenses within the Community College System of New Hampshire or the University Sys- tem of New Hampshire. Ultimately, these are the prospective employees you want for your business, and it’s through programs like this that we can entice them to continue their automotive educa- tions. Furthermore, it demonstrates to the students and their families why choosing a career in the automotive industry is worthwhile. They can see firsthand the level of support we provide and the family atmosphere we enjoy. The 20 for 20 begins in June, so buckle up and get ready. The NHAEF needs your continued support and our industry needs these students to commit to careers in your shops. The 20 for 20 accomplishes exactly that. We look forward to seeing all of you soon. N E W H A M P S H I R E 23