The end of October marks the halfway point through NHADA’s membership cycle. On behalf of the board of directors, I thank all members and partners for their continued support. One of our greatest strengths is the diversity of our membership which consists of franchised and independent motor vehicle sales and service businesses. Please see the breakout of our membership below:
Membership by category

Reminder: If you have a business connection with a good candidate for membership, please refer them! Each new member helps support initiatives for the greater good of the industry and strengthens our voice at the statehouse.
Over the course of the next few months, there are several events and training opportunities that I encourage you to take advantage of:
- College & Career Day: October 5 at Manchester Community College
- NHADA Foundation “Mini” Raffle: November 15 at The Music Hall Lounge in Portsmouth, NH. Time and more details coming.
Training/Continuing Education:
- [Webinar] NH Titles & Regulations: October 4 at 9 am
- [Webinar] NH Titles & Regulations: Recorded version available on demand by clicking the link.
Lastly, please consider turning to our Association Partners (listed on page 30) when you have a business need. Our Association Partnership Program (APP) has businesses in several industries, from banking/finance to DMS and technology companies to business supplies, compliance and more; we encourage you to support those who support you!
Wishing you a successful fall and winter.
Marshall Jespersen